Czech for Plebs

Czech for Plebs
Czech pronunciation & tips for visiting Prague are below. If you have great additions, let me know: @stackingjones on X or Telegram.

Czech for Plebs is a continuation of Portuguese for Plebs, which was very well received at Bitcoin Atlantis. It will help plebs visiting BTC Prague to have a warm welcome with locals, orange pill the staff and make a joke at a restaurant. I took the best parts from Portuguese for Plebs and added new conversion starters. This time even more meaty, charming & funny.


Listen & repeat

Thank you! – Děkuji!
Good day / Hello! – Dobrý den!
Hi, nice to meet you. – Ahoj, rád tě poznávám.
How are you? I'm good! – Jak se máš? Mám se dobře!
Give me a high five! – Dej mi high five!
Bitcoin connects the world – Bitcoin spojuje svět
It’s really good/boring. – To je fakt super/nuda.
All right, let's go! – Tak jo, jedem!
Hey, beautiful. Are you enjoying your day? – Čau, krásko. Užíváš si den?
Hello Miss/Sir. You have a beautiful smile! – Zdravím, slečno/pane. Máš krásný úsměv!
Are you WiFi? Because I feel a connection. – Jsi WiFi? Protože cítím spojení.
You’re so beautiful, I forgot how to speak Czech. – Jsi tak krásná, že jsem zapomněl česky.
Do you speak English? – Mluvíte anglicky?
I'm sorry, I don't speak much Czech. – Je mi líto, neumím moc česky.
I wish you a nice day! – Přeji vám hezký den!
Goodbye! / See you later! – Na shledanou!
Yes, please. No, thank you. – Ano, prosím. Ne, děkuji.
Really? Yeah, Really! Sure! – Vážně? Jo, fakt! Jasně!
A beer, please. – Jedno pivo, prosím.
A Czech cola, please. – Jednu Kofolu, prosím.
Cheers! – Na zdraví!
Can I pay, please, with Bitcoin/Cash/Card? – Můžu prosím platit bitcoinem/hotově/kartou?
Hey, I have something for you! – Hej, mám pro tebe něco!
You should try Bitcoin, seriously! – Měl(a) bys zkusit Bitcoin, vážně!
Bitcoin only. There is no second best – Jedině bitcoin. Nic jiného nemá smysl.
You look great! Can I take a photo with you? – Vypadáš skvěle! Můžu si s tebou udělat fotku?
Your smile deserves to be in my phone. Can I get your number? – Tvůj úsměv si zaslouží být v mém telefonu. Můžu dostat tvoje číslo?
Excuse me, there's a fly in my food. Is that a greeting from the kitchen? – Promiňte, ale v jídle mám mouchu. Je to snad pozdrav z kuchyně?
This restaurant is so good, that even vegetarians eat meat here. – Tady tak dobře vaří, že i vegetariáni si tu dají maso.

Tips for visiting Prague

General Tips

Bitcoiner Places

Restaurant Tips

Prague Map

Schedule for a week

Day 1: Old Town

  • Old Town Square (early morning & evening)
  • Astronomical Clock (on the hour, 9 AM - 11 PM)
  • Statue of King Wenceslas (afternoon)
  • Church of Our Lady before Týn (evening)

Day 2: Prague Castle and Surroundings

  • Charles Bridge (sunrise)
  • Prague Castle (early morning)
  • St. Vitus Cathedral (early morning)
  • Golden Lane (late afternoon)

Day 3: Lesser Town (Malá Strana) and Kampa Island

  • Lesser Town Square (mid-morning)
  • St. Nicholas Church (mid-morning)
  • Kampa Island (afternoon)
  • John Lennon Wall (late afternoon)

Day 4: New Town and Vinohrady

  • Wenceslas Square (morning)
  • Dancing House (late afternoon)
  • Vyšehrad (sunset)

Day 5: Jewish Quarter and Letná Park

  • Jewish Quarter (Josefov) (morning)
  • Old Jewish Cemetery (morning)
  • Letná Park (afternoon to evening)

Day 6: Museums and Cultural Spots

  • National Museum (morning)
  • Mucha Museum (mid-morning)
  • Franz Kafka Museum (early afternoon)
  • Vltava River Cruise (evening)

Day 7: Day Trip and Relax

  • Day Trip to Karlštejn Castle (early morning departure)
  • Petřín Hill and Lookout Tower (late afternoon)
  • Strahov Monastery (late afternoon)

Enjoy your trip to Prague!